Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner,
75, USN, retired, commander of American amphibious forced in the
Pacific during World War II, died Sunday [2/12/61] in Monterey, Calif.
Death was attributed to a heart attack.
Admiral Turner commanded amphibious assaults in the Pacific from
the start of the Solomons campaign in August, 1942, to the Okinawa
invasion in early 1945. When the first atomic bomb was dropped on
Japan, he was planning an asault on the home island of Kyushu.
Following the Solomons campaign, he directed the amphibious
invasions of the Gilbert and Marshall Islands in late 1943 and early
1944, headed the forces which assaulted the Marianas in mid1944, and
was part of the team commanding the assault on Iwo Jima in early 1945.
For his Pacific campaign services he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal with two Gold Stars and the Navy Cross.
Admiral Turner retired from active duty in April, 1947, ending a
Navy career that started in 1904, when he was appointed to the Naval
Academy from Oregon, his home state.
He was graduated from the academy in 1908, standing fifth in a class of 196.
He was stationed at the Washington Navy Yard form 1919 to 1922.
While commanding the cruiser USS Astoria in 1939, Admiral Turner
visited Japan's Emperor Hirohito and returned to him the ashes of
Hirosi Saito, who had died in the United States while serving as
Japan's Ambassador here.
When the Japanese attacked |

P[e]arl Harbor, Admiral Turner was director of war plans for the Navy chief of operations.
In 1945 Admiral Turner was an important witness before the
congressional committee investigating American preparedness before the
Pearl Harbor attack. He told the committee he though Admiral Husband E.
Kimmel, then Pacific Fleet commander, should have been able to detect
the attack in advance.
Admiral Turner was a native of Portland, Oreg., but retired to
Monterey, Calif. He leaves a sister, Miss L. Lucile Turner, Carmel,
Calif., and a brother, R. Izer Turner, Phoenix, Ariz. His wife, the
former Harriet Sterling, died last January 3.